
Every Job Requires One

Welcome back! In this article we’ll discuss one of the best skills you can add to your resume to grab an employer’s attention: frameworks.

What are Frameworks?

Definition: A framework is a structured foundation that provides tools, libraries, and best practices to streamline and standardize the development of applications, enhancing productivity and consistency.

You can think of a framework like the foundation and scaffolding of a building; it provides the essential support and structure, allowing architects (developers) to efficiently construct the final design (application) with stability, consistency, and predefined pathways. In the end, the building might be an apartment building, a 4-bedroom house, or a cabin rental. They all have different uses but follow the same basic pattern of design.

Examples of Frameworks

Below are a handful of examples of frameworks and the languages that use them.

Web Development
  1. React (JavaScript, TypeScript)

  2. Django (Python)

  3. Ruby on Rails (Ruby)

  4. ASP.NET Core (C#)

Mobile Applications
  1. Flutter (Dart)

  2. React Native (JavaScript)

  3. SwiftUI (Swift, iOS, can also build desktop apps for MacOS)

Desktop Applications
  1. Qt (C++)

  2. Cocoa (Swift)

  3. Tkinter (Python)

Why Should You Learn a Framework?

The vast majority of professional software development is done through frameworks because they greatly simplify the development cycle for teams. For instance, ASP.NET Core includes several frameworks, with ASP.NET Core Web API being commonly used for web development. This framework allows developers to create RESTful APIs efficiently. By adding a controller class and methods with decorators, developers can specify HTTP endpoints. The framework then handles the HTTP requests, routing them to the appropriate methods automatically.

Without such a framework, developers would need to write extensive code to manage HTTP requests, routing, controllers, responses, connections, and collisions, which is impractical for organizations aiming to develop software quickly. Frameworks handle these complexities, streamlining the process.

Most software engineering job ads list a framework as a requirement, with React being a prevalent choice for frontend web development. Mastering a framework's fundamentals significantly boosts your chances of getting interviews and securing a position on a development team.

How to Choose the Right Framework for Your Career

Choosing the right framework to learn can significantly increase your chances of securing the role you want. Consider some of the following points when determining which framework to learn.

  1. Industry Demand: Identify the area of software engineering you in which you wish to work; web development and mobile app development are the two with the most demand, by far. For example, if you’re looking for web development, consider a frameworks like Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET Core, Django, React (especially React, as it’s the most popular frontend framework).

  2. Community and Support: A vibrant community can be a lifeline when you encounter issues. Frameworks like React and Django have large, active communities and extensive documentation, which can be incredibly helpful for beginners.

  3. Learning Curve: Consider the complexity and learning curve of the framework. Some frameworks, like Ruby on Rails, are designed to be beginner-friendly, while others might require a deeper understanding of programming concepts, such as React Native.

Tips for Mastering a Framework

Mastering a framework goes beyond just understanding its basics. Here are some tips to help you become proficient.

  1. Learn the Language: A strong grasp of the language a framework is built on, like Ruby for Ruby on Rails, will enhance your proficiency. Build console apps in your chosen language to get comfortable with the basics.

  2. Build Projects: The best way to learn a framework is by developing real projects. Start with example projects like to-do lists, blogs, and calendar apps, and build upon them.

  3. Contribute to Open Source: Gain valuable experience by contributing to open-source projects that use your framework. This helps you learn from experienced developers, solve real issues, give back to the community, and expand your network.

  4. Use Documentation: Official documentation is essential for learning a new framework, offering comprehensive guides, best practices, and examples from the creators.

Wrapping Up

Using a framework speeds up and simplifies application development by providing tools and patterns, eliminating the need to build extensive systems from scratch.

Employers expect candidates to know a framework well enough to build applications independently or in a team. Most job ads list at least one framework as a requirement, and you'll likely face questions about it in interviews.

Start learning a framework today by building a project relevant to the jobs you're seeking. Refer to the examples section for helpful links.

If you or anyone you know wants to share their experience applying for jobs in the current job market, inside or outside software engineering, we encourage you to respond in an email to this newsletter! You may be featured in our next article.

Thank you for reading and we will see you in our next article as we continue our voyage.

Code on,
Matt, Editor and Software Engineer


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